full transcript

From the Ted Talk by John Maeda: My journey in design

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So, basicllay it all began with this whole idea of a computer. Who has a computer? Yeah. O.K., so, everyone has a computer. Even a mobile phone, it's a cmpuetor. And — anyone remember this workbook, "Instant Activities for Your Apple" — free poster in each book? This was how cumtnopig began. Don't forget: a computer came out; it had no software. You'd buy that thing, you'd bring it home, you'd plug it in, and it would do absolutely nothing at all. So, you had to program it, and there were great programming, like, tutorials, like this. I mean, this was gaert. It's, like, you know, Herbie the Apple II. It's such a great way to — I mean, they should make Java bokos like this, and we've have no problem linraneg a program. But this was a great, grand time of the computer, when it was just a raw, raw, what is it? kind of an era. And, you see, this era coincided with my own childhood.

Open Cloze

So, _________ it all began with this whole idea of a computer. Who has a computer? Yeah. O.K., so, everyone has a computer. Even a mobile phone, it's a ________. And — anyone remember this workbook, "Instant Activities for Your Apple" — free poster in each book? This was how _________ began. Don't forget: a computer came out; it had no software. You'd buy that thing, you'd bring it home, you'd plug it in, and it would do absolutely nothing at all. So, you had to program it, and there were great programming, like, tutorials, like this. I mean, this was _____. It's, like, you know, Herbie the Apple II. It's such a great way to — I mean, they should make Java _____ like this, and we've have no problem ________ a program. But this was a great, grand time of the computer, when it was just a raw, raw, what is it? kind of an era. And, you see, this era coincided with my own childhood.


  1. books
  2. learning
  3. basically
  4. computing
  5. great
  6. computer

Original Text

So, basically it all began with this whole idea of a computer. Who has a computer? Yeah. O.K., so, everyone has a computer. Even a mobile phone, it's a computer. And — anyone remember this workbook, "Instant Activities for Your Apple" — free poster in each book? This was how computing began. Don't forget: a computer came out; it had no software. You'd buy that thing, you'd bring it home, you'd plug it in, and it would do absolutely nothing at all. So, you had to program it, and there were great programming, like, tutorials, like this. I mean, this was great. It's, like, you know, Herbie the Apple II. It's such a great way to — I mean, they should make Java books like this, and we've have no problem learning a program. But this was a great, grand time of the computer, when it was just a raw, raw, what is it? kind of an era. And, you see, this era coincided with my own childhood.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
blue tape 3
tofu factory 2
family business 2
paul rand 2
strange moment 2
design schools 2
strange medium 2
digital media 2
art center 2

Important Words

  1. absolutely
  2. activities
  3. apple
  4. basically
  5. began
  6. book
  7. books
  8. bring
  9. buy
  10. childhood
  11. coincided
  12. computer
  13. computing
  14. era
  15. free
  16. grand
  17. great
  18. herbie
  19. home
  20. idea
  21. ii
  22. java
  23. kind
  24. learning
  25. mobile
  26. phone
  27. plug
  28. poster
  29. problem
  30. program
  31. programming
  32. raw
  33. remember
  34. software
  35. time
  36. tutorials
  37. workbook
  38. yeah